San Carlos CA WeatherSan Carlos CA Weather

San Carlos CA weather is really nearly perfect probably due to its perfect location. It’s situated about halfway between hot San Jose and cooler San Francisco. Now there is also a San Carlos, Mexico so let’s not confuse the two very different climates.

In the winter San Carlos CA weather is mild, temperatures tend to be in the low 60s (°F) during the day and lows 40s (°F) at night.  During the summer months average temperatures get into the mid 80s (°F) during the day and cool down to mid 50s (°F) at night.

San Carlos is ideally located between Belmont in the North and Redwood City to the South. Belmont gets a cold breeze from the ocean and Redwood City is considered ‘climate best by government test’ but it can get hot in the summer. San Carlos gets a blend of that cold northern breeze and calmer hotter weather from the south. However, like Belmont, San Carlos can also get a bit windy along its hills and ridgetops. Overall, humidity is never a factor for San Carlos CA weather.

It also typically gets a modest amount of rainfall and like the rest of California it can get into droughts. The heaviest rainfall months are December through March where San Carlos CA typically gets 3-4 inches of rain for the month. The winter of 2023 has been something different though with all the rain, but that’s been going on all over California!  Safe to say no drought worries in 2023.

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San Carlos CA Weather

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