Real Estate




New Year’ Eve 2022 San Carlos CA Flooding

New Year’s Eve 2022 was not a great day for many in The City of Good Living – San Carlos CA. A huge storm dropped more water on the City and many surrounding communities then the storm drains could handle. Many businesses between El Camino Real and Laurel Street in San Carlos CA got flooded as well as some personal residences and businesses by Industrial Road.  I never understood why we’ve never upgraded our storm drains along El Camino Real and Industrial Road since this issue has occurred multiple times over the years? However, not being an expert on storm drains, maybe there’s a good reason?

Anyway, let’s keep those San Carlos businesses in our thoughts and consider shopping there if we need to purchase something. Let’s support those poor folks. I hope all those affected by the storms recover quickly from this disaster and have a prosperous New Year – you deserve it! Stay dry and safe San Carlos.




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