Real Estate




San Carlos Bianchini’s

I’m a huge fan of the San Carlos Bianchini’s. Yes, there is another in Portola Valley owned by the same family, but we got our San Carlos store at 810 Laurel Street! My favorite part of the store is the fresh produce; they have fruit that actually tastes like fruit and not some under ripe eraser. The vegetable selection is also always bountiful and fresh plus they have a good selection of nuts which I love for snacking.

Then of course I like to wander over to their meat and fish section. They have some prepackaged meats, but they also have a gigantic selection of cuts ready for selection and packing to being home. Their fish selection is also always a welcome site for a Portuguese guy since we love our fish!

Let’s also not forget, their cold Deli section is huge, and they always have hot food plus soups ready to go. And the cheese, oh the cheese selection in the Deli area is sinful. So many cheeses and so little time!

Anyway, I know we also lots of big chain grocery stores nearby, but they can’t hold a candle up to our San Carlos Bianchini’s. The store has an excellent website, so visit it and prepare to drool.

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