As the holiday season unfolds, Eucalyptus Ave in San Carlos transforms into a magical wonderland, captivating hearts and spreading festive cheer to all who visit. Also coined as “Christmas Tree Lane” or “Candy Cane Lane”, Eucalyptus Avenue has been synonymous with spectacular Christmas light displays that adorn each home along its charming streets. What started as a few festive decorations has evolved into a beloved tradition, attracting families and visitors from far and wide to witness the enchanting brilliance of the season.
A Brief History of Eucalyptus Ave: Christmas Tree Lane
Inspired by the warmth and camaraderie of the holiday season, residents every year adorn their homes with festive lights, creating a radiant spectacle that soon gained widespread attention. Over the years, the tradition has grown, and today, Eucalyptus Ave is renowned for hosting one of the most dazzling Christmas light displays in the region, so much so the City Council of San Carlos considered measures to address the crowds, traffic, parking and sanitation on and around Eucalyptus Avenue last December 2021.
Important Information
Lights in Eucalyptus Ave usually go on from Dec 1 to Dec 25. They usually light up from 5:00PM to 10:00PM
This information is from the latest announcement of the City of San Carlos Website, found here. These are guidelines and traffic policies for visiting Eucalyptus Avenue 2023:
Traffic Control and Safety
- Traffic on Eucalyptus Avenue will be converted to one-way traffic (continuously) December 1 through December 25.
- Water barriers will be placed (continuously) December 1 through December 25 along Eucalyptus Avenue at Tamarack Avenue, Cordilleras Avenue, and Orange Avenue.
- The San Carlos Police Bureau of the Sheriff’s Office will have an increased presence in the area on weekends to assist with traffic and safety.
- Two private security guards will be stationed on Eucalyptus Avenue between Orange Avenue and Cordilleras Avenue and two private security guards will be stationed on Eucalyptus Avenue between Cordilleras Avenue and Tamarack Avenue during the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday through Sunday, every weekend in December through December 24, to observe and report any criminal activity or nuisances to the San Carlos Police Bureau of the Sheriff’s Office. Security guards will be dressed in identifiable, reflective gear for safety.
Electronic Signage
- “Expect Delays on Brittan, Use Alternate Routes” Signs
- Three signs will be placed at the intersection of Brittan Avenue and Alameda de las Pulgas.
- One sign will be placed on Brittan Avenue close to El Camino Real.
Trash and Recycling
Trash and recycling bins will be made available and picked up hourly.
Due to demand and in order to reduce lines, the City will provide two portable restrooms with handwashing stations this year. The restrooms will be available Friday through Sunday, the first three weekends in December, and Friday through Monday, with removal on Tuesday, December 26.
Cleaning Schedule
The portable restrooms will be cleaned hourly.
Communications with Eucalyptus Avenue Residents
A letter was mailed to residents on September 26, 2023 to invite them to apply for permits and work with City staff.
In addition, by mid-November, residents will receive a second letter regarding portable restroom placement and alerting them to one-way traffic pattern that will be implemented on Eucalyptus from December 1 through December 25.
Join Us in the Celebration
As the Christmas lights illuminate Eucalyptus Ave every night this holiday season, take a leisurely stroll or drive through the neighborhood to witness the creativity and dedication that residents put into their festive displays. Share the joy with friends and family, and revel in the magic that this community has been spreading for generations.
Experience the wonder, create lasting memories, and make Eucalyptus Ave a part of your cherished holiday traditions. From all of us in this festive community, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season!
Source: Eucalyptus Street Lights Facebook Page
Here are some pictures from previous years:
To read more about the latest in San Carlos, visit the San Carlos Life Blog
What time do the lights go off on eucalyptus ave every night? Thanks
Hi! Lights go out usually at 10pm 🙂 according to “Eucalyptus Street Lights” Facebook Page, theyre awesome, please feel free to like em 😉
What day are the lights over ?
Until when can you see the lights?