More San Carlos Housing in Industrial Area? The Northeast Area Specific Plan!

San Carlos Housing? Northeast Map

From City website – map of Northeast Area


San Carlos CA is on a planning spree. It’s looking to create a Specific Plan for its downtown by March 2024 plus a Specific plan for its Northeast Area by October 2024. The Northeast area is a commercial space that is not currently zoned for any housing per the general plan. It has seen some growth though since 2015 with construction of buildings for life sciences and biotech companies. The area continues to receive interest from developers looking to build more life science and biotechnology buildings, so in late 2022 San Carlos City Council began looking into creating a specific plan for the area.

Given this demand for new commercial construction in the Northeast Area, the City wants to thoughtfully plan for these anticipated changes. The City states that the goals of the Northeast Plan are as follows:

  • Carefully and creatively plan for new development and construction
  • Celebrate the area’s industrial legacy and leverage new opportunities
  • Explore the possibility of introducing housing
  • Support industrial access and providing ways for people to walk, bicycle, take transit, and drive to and through the area
  • Champion district resiliency and thoughtfully plan for the future of both the natural and built environments
  • Address environmental needs, including flooding from Belmont Creek; the potential presence of hazardous substances; and other needs

Community Workshop

The City is looking for input from residents, developers and business operators regarding the Specific Plan for the Northeast Area. They are having a virtual and interactive workshop on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 from 7:00-8:30PM to get input. For more information visit

Housing Decision?

The City stated that whether there will more San Carlos Housing in the area will depend on the following:

  • How many new jobs will come to the area, and how many new residents should we plan for?
  • Where should San Carlos housing be located?
  • What are the best ways to balance housing with the existing industrial businesses?
  • How can the City best support the existing businesses so that they can remain and thrive?

The City recently adopted a new Housing Element which plans for over 3,000 new San Carlos housing units at a range of affordability levels.  To learn more about San Carlos Housing 2040, the Housing Element Update, visit

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