On April 25, 2024, the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) announced the certification San Carlos’ Housing Element for 2023-2031. This certification confirms that San Carlos’s housing plan meets state law requirements, and thus allows the City Council to move forward with the plans and policies outlined in the Housing Element. With this certification, San Carlos may now gain access to important funding for its housing goals.

Trestle Final

The certified Housing Element serves as a blueprint for future development, outlining specific goals, policies, and programs to address the housing needs of all community members, including affordable housing, special needs housing, and sustainable development practices while reaching the maximum number of housing units that can be built in a given area. Additionally, the City must monitor and report on the results of these plans and programs through the annual progress report submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development.


As part of this transition, the project website, www.sancarlos2040.org, will no longer be accessible after June 30, 2024. However, the Certified Housing Element Document and Certification Letter will remain available on the San Carlos City website. While the previous records of the Community Workshops may no longer be accessible in the City Website, we’ll make sure you can access them here at San Carlos Life below.

(By the way, we’re never too busy for your referrals. If you know anyone who needs help in buying or selling a home in San Mateo or Santa Clara counties, we’d love to chat with them.)

Past Community Workshops

Thank you for participating in our Community Workshops. You can find the meeting materials from previous workshops here including meeting videos, slides, chat transcripts, and all other documents.


Thursday, August 11, 2021

  • Development case studies along El Camino Real
  • How much housing is possible using existing zoning standards, and how much more housing is possible by adjusting height limits and parking standards
  • Level of support the community may have for potential modifications to the zoning ordinance in order to meet San Carlos’ Regional Housing Needs Allocation (“RHNA”) of at least 2,735 new homes to the year 2031

Links to Files: 

Video Recording: 


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

  • Brief Recap of the Housing Element and Update Process
  • Input on Potential Changes that Can Help the City Achieve its Housing Needs
  • Feedback on Possible Housing Solutions

Links to Files: 

Video Recording: 


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 

  • Housing Element Update Process
  • Housing Issues, Concerns and Ideas for San Carlos, Brisbane, Foster City, Portola Valley and Redwood City

Links to Files: 

  • Let’s Talk Housing Countywide Meeting: Summary
  • Let’s Talk Housing Countywide Meeting: Presentation


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

  • Brief Recap of the Housing Element
  • Housing Density and What it Can Look Like
  • Factors, Priorities and Criteria to Guide Development of New Housing
  • Focus Areas/Locations for New Housing
  • Public Comment

Links to Files: 


Video Recording:


Monday, November 30, 2020

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Setting the Context
  • San Carlos Focused General Plan Update Process
  • Housing Element Overview
  • Environmental Safety Element Overview
  • Your Thoughts on Housing and Environmental Safety in San Carlos

Links to Files: 

 Video Recording: 


About San Carlos Life

Mark Martinho and Vivienne Kelvin are the hosts of San Carlos Life and have been residents of San Carlos for years. While running San Carlos Life together with an awesome team, Mark and Viv are also in the business of real estate. They are among the best Realtors in San Carlos CA and co-owners of Vabrato Real Estate, a luxury real estate brokerage serving the City of Good Living, and the whole of San Mateo and Santa Clara. With over 30 years of combined experience in the business and 95% of their clients coming in from referrals, Mark and Viv take great pride and joy in exceeding your expectations.

Need help in buying or selling a home in San Carlos?

We’re never too busy for you or your referrals. If you know anyone who needs help in buying or selling a home in San Carlos, we’d love to chat with them!

Contact Mark and Viv of Vabrato Real Estate

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