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San Carlos Downtown Ideation Workshops

Exciting San Carlos Downtown Ideation Workshops 2023

December 9, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Don’t miss this week’s discussions on downtown transformation!

Register for the San Carlos Downtown Ideation Workshops. Details below.

  • Virtual Workshop on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom. Please register at
  • In-person Workshop on Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM at 677 Laurel Street right next to Peet’s Coffee in Downtown San Carlos. Please register at

We are so excited to invite the community to two upcoming ideation workshops to discuss and consider new ideas that can transform our downtown. Workshops will discuss:

• Public Space Design (the future of Laurel Street)
• Program Mix
• Circulation & Access

Join us at one or both workshops to share your ideas and priorities to make our downtown’s future transformations more vibrant, welcoming and equitable. We look forward to seeing you there.

San Carlos Downtown Ideation Workshops

San Carlos Downtown Ideation Workshop Agenda

Community members are encouraged to preview the Draft Vision and Guiding Principles, and the Existing Conditions Report prior to attending these workshops.

Draft Vision and Guiding Principles

Draft Existing Conditions Report

To learn more about the Downtown Specific Plan project, please visit the project website at If you are unable to attend the virtual workshop, you will be able to access the recording, which will be posted on the project website shortly after the workshop.

For questions and information about this project or the workshop, please email and continue to follow for the latest news, updates and information.


Downtown is the heart of San Carlos that provides a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, safe, charming, futuristic, and accessible destination for the community. It is a place for celebration and gathering that offers diverse and authentic experiences through a draw of food, retail, services, art and music in a visually attractive environment for the growing community. Downtown is an inclusive place with easy access for all, opportunities for businesses of all types, and inviting spaces for people of all ages. Downtown San Carlos is sustainable district, with landscape that supports ecological and community health & well-being.

Guiding Principles


The Downtown should strive to be an equitable place offering social, economic, and recreational opportunities for all, along with being resilient to address evolving climate adaptation needs.


The Downtown Specific Plan should strive to create distinctive character and identity unique to San Carlos’ culture, history, and context; defined by the physical form and experience of the downtown.


The Downtown should achieve a level of vibrancy and vitality that consistently attracts users and shoppers through enhancement of local businesses and diverse programming, in a setting that is distinctive, safe, and attractive.


The Downtown should have a balance of mobility modes that emphasizes pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation in support of a socially vibrant environment and minimizing auto-dependence to access downtown.


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December 9, 2023
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:


677 Laurel Street
677 Laurel Street
San Carlos, 94070 United States
+ Google Map


City of San Carlos
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