About City Council Meetings
San Carlos City Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. The agenda will be posted on the Thursday prior to the meeting on the site listed below. Hard copy packets are also available for viewing at City Hall at 600 Elm Street as well as the San Carlos library at 610 Elm Street.
This meeting will be conducted both in- person at City Hall and virtually via Zoom. Members of the public will have the option to observe the meeting and address the City Council as outlined below.

In-Person Participation:
Location. City Hall – 600 Elm Street, Council Chambers. Masks are no longer required, but are still recommended by the California Department of Health. To maintain public health and safety, please do not attend in person if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose, and/or sore throat).
Provide Public Comment. To address the City Council on any item on the posted agenda, fill out a Request to Speak Form located in the back of the Council Chambers and submit it to the City Clerk; or, you may raise your hand when the Mayor calls for public comments.

Remote Participation:
Observe via:
- Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88256140939; or call 16699009128 and enter the Meeting ID #: 882 5614 0939
- Meeting Webportal. www.cityofsancarlos.org/agenda
- Local TV. Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Uverse Channel 99
Provide Public Comment. If you plan to make a public comment on any item on the posted agenda, please observe the meeting via Zoom (see above access information), and during the public comment period for the agenda item you wish to address, use the “raise hand” feature. If joining Zoom by phone, press *9 to “raise hand”.
Councilmembers may participate in this meeting remotely pursuant to Assembly Bill 2449.
MAYOR: John Dugan
COUNCIL: Ronald Collins, Sara McDowell, Adam Rak, Pranita Venkatesh
General Outline of Meeting
- Council Communications and Announcements are brief items from members of the City Council regarding upcoming events in the community and correspondence that they have received. They are informational in nature and no action will be taken on these items at this meeting.
- Persons wishing to address the City Council on matters NOT on the posted agenda may do so. Each speaker is limited to two minutes. If there are more than five individuals wishing to speak during public comment, the Mayor may choose to allow the first five speakers to speak during this time, and the balance of the Public Comment speakers will be called upon at the end of the Council Meeting.
- If the item you are speaking on is not listed on the agenda, please be advised that the City Council may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed as allowed under the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54954.2). The City Council’s general policy is to refer items to staff for attention, or have a matter placed on a future City Council agenda for a more comprehensive action or report and formal public discussion and input at that time.
- Motion to Waive Reading of All Ordinances.
- Approve the February 12, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes.upon at the end of the Council Meeting. If the item you are speaking on is not listed on the agenda, please be advised that the City Council may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed as allowed under the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54954.2). The City Council’s general policy is to refer items to staff for attention, or have a matter placed on a future City Council agenda for a more comprehensive action or report and formal public discussion and input at that time.
- AGENDA SETTING: Items discussed in this Agenda Setting Section will be considered by the Council for placing on a future agenda. No action will be taken on these items at this meeting.
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection upon request. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title VI, and as outlined in the City’s Reasonable Accommodations Policy, if you need special assistance or translation services to participate in this meeting , please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (650) 8024 222 or via email at cityclerk@cityofsancarlos.org. Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

City Sign of San Carlos
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About San Carlos
What’s Great about San Carlos?
About Mark and Viv
Mark Martinho and Viv Kelvin are the owners of Vabrato Real Estate