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Backyard Harvest Volunteer Day San Carlos CA

Backyard Harvest Volunteer & Donation Drive 2024

January 28 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join Backyard Harvest Volunteer Day and Donation Drive – come give of your harvest, or harvest local produce from your neighbors’ backyards –

Target Audience: 5+ All minors require adult supervision

Harvesting Hope: Each Green Corner’s Bounty for a Brighter Community

In the heart of San Carlos, a unique opportunity awaits those with green thumbs and compassionate hearts. Join Each Green Corner for a day dedicated to harvesting local produce, particularly the bountiful citrus gems adorning backyard trees.

This collaborative effort aims to donate a staggering 1,000 lbs of fresh, locally sourced produce to two prominent organizations, Second Harvest and Samaritan House, during the Week of the Family. As volunteer harvesters, you play a pivotal role in the success of this endeavor, transforming your love for gardening into an impactful contribution to those in need.

So, put on your gardening gloves, embrace the spirit of giving, and let’s embark on a day of harvesting hope and nourishing our community.

Each Green Corner: Cultivating Community, One Harvest at a Time

Each Green Corner stands at the intersection of sustainable agriculture and community empowerment. Their mission is rooted in transforming underutilized spaces into thriving gardens that not only beautify the community but also contribute to local food security.

The harvest day is a manifestation of this mission, channeling the abundance of backyard gardens into a collective effort to support those facing food insecurity.

The Goal: 1,000 lbs of Backyard Bounty

Imagine the impact of 1,000 lbs of freshly harvested backyard produce. Each pound is a testament to the generosity of San Carlos residents and a tangible expression of solidarity with neighbors in need. The ambitious goal set for this harvest day during the Week of the Family is a testament to the community’s commitment to making a significant difference.

How Can You Contribute as a Volunteer Harvester?

  1. Gleaning Expertise:
    • Volunteers will kick off the morning with a brief but comprehensive training session on proper harvest techniques and equipment usage. Gleaning is an art, and this knowledge ensures that every piece of fruit collected is of the highest quality and ready for donation.
  2. Collective Effort Across San Carlos:
    • Armed with newfound knowledge and a shared mission, volunteers will disperse across San Carlos to set up harvest locations. From residential neighborhoods to community spaces, the entire city becomes a canvas for this collaborative effort.
  3. Harvesting, Collecting, Sorting:
    • The heart of the day lies in the hands-on work of harvesting, collecting, and sorting the donations. From plucking ripe fruits to carefully packing them for transport, every step is an act of care that contributes to the success of the harvest.
  4. Community Connection:
    • Beyond the tangible impact, the harvest day is an opportunity for community connection. Volunteers share stories, exchange gardening tips, and create bonds that extend beyond the harvest. It’s a day where the community comes together for a shared purpose.

Why Your Role as a Volunteer Harvester Matters:

  1. Nourishing Those in Need:
    • Your efforts directly contribute to putting fresh, nutritious produce on the tables of those facing food insecurity. It’s a tangible way to nourish the community and promote a culture of sharing.
  2. Supporting Local Organizations:
    • The donations harvested during the day will be channeled to two impactful organizations, Second Harvest and Samaritan House. By volunteering, you amplify the reach of these organizations in addressing hunger within our community.
  3. Strengthening Community Resilience:
    • The harvest day is a testament to the resilience and strength of the San Carlos community. It showcases the collective power of individuals coming together to address a shared challenge, promoting a sense of unity and shared responsibility.
  4. Fostering Sustainable Practices:
    • Each Green Corner’s focus on sustainable agriculture aligns with a broader commitment to environmental stewardship. By participating in the harvest, you contribute to a sustainable, community-centric approach to food production and distribution.

How to Prepare for a Day of Harvesting Hope:

  1. Bring Your Gardening Gear:
    • Come prepared with your gardening essentials – gloves, pruners, and any additional tools you find handy. Dress comfortably for a day of outdoor activity.
  2. Open Heart, Open Mind:
    • Approach the day with an open heart and an open mind. Embrace the opportunity to connect with fellow volunteers, share stories, and collectively make a positive impact.
  3. Stay Hydrated and Energized:
    • Harvesting is physical work, so make sure to bring water and snacks to stay hydrated and energized throughout the day.
  4. Celebrate the Collective Effort:
    • Take a moment to celebrate the collective effort and the impact you are making. Every piece of fruit harvested is a symbol of community care and compassion.

Why You Shouldn’t Miss This Harvesting Hope Day:

As a volunteer harvester with Each Green Corner, you become part of a transformative movement that redefines community and sustenance. The impact of your actions goes beyond the harvest; it resonates in the lives of those who will receive the fresh produce you help gather. Join this day of communal care, where each piece of fruit becomes a conduit for hope and resilience. Let’s make this harvest day a testament to the strength of community bonds and the power of individuals coming together for a shared cause. See you at the Each Green Corner Hub, ready to sow the seeds of compassion and reap a harvest of hope! 🌱🍊🌟


This event is part of the San Carlos Week of the Family. Official Website

photo of yellow chili pepper  purple and white vegetables on brown surface   vegetable stand

Source: San Carlos Week of the Family Official Website

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San Carlos Week of the Family Committee 2023