For the month of August 2024, there were a total of 13 homes sold in San Carlos, with sold prices on the range of $1,246,666 – $3,200,000. Here are the highest and lowest priced homes sold within the month of August year 2024 –

Highest Priced Home Sold

229 Stevens Court, San Carlos CA

229 Stevens Court, Alder Manor

Sold Price: $3,200,000

4 Beds

3 Baths

3-Car Garage

2,170 SqFt

18,700 SqFt

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Lowest Priced Home Sold

980 Cherry Street San Carlos CA

980 Cherry Street, Clearfield Park

Sold Price: $ 1,246,666

2 Beds

1 Bath

1-Car Garage

720 SqFt

2,500 SqFt

View Map

Need Help Navigating Through the San Carlos Real Estate Market?

San Carlos, known as the “City of Good Living”, offers a prime living experience. With real estate prices in the mid-range for the Peninsula, it’s an attractive alternative to pricier areas like Palo Alto. Renowned for its excellent schools, San Carlos provides a desirable community environment.

Residents enjoy a blend of tranquility and urban conveniences, with parks and diverse recreational activities. Proximity to Silicon Valley adds to its appeal, making San Carlos real estate a wise investment choice. Whether seeking a home or investment property, our team is here to assist you in navigating this vibrant town. Contact us today for expert guidance.

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